Secondary Programs
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
Beginning with the 2021 – 2022 school year, Project GRAD Akron will be supporting all 6th and 7th grade students at Buchtel, East, Innes, and Jennings CLC as they begin their GEAR UP journey through AIM HIGH AKRON/GEAR UP. For 7 years, this cohort of approximately 1,500 students will be provided with numerous programs and services throughout middle and high school in preparation to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.
AIM HIGH AKRON/GEAR UP will follow the students to the following high schools - Buchtel, East, Garfield, and North - and their first year of college or post-secondary institutions.
Project GRAD Akron is the Lead Partner with Akron Public Schools for the GEAR UP Program, which is a federal program through the US Department of Education, and the third highest grant in the history of the Akron Public Schools. More than $7 million has been earmarked in the grant to support the students, families, and schools with this program.
As the Lead Partner, Project GRAD Akron will begin working with students in 6th Grade (2021 – 2022) through an exciting program called Kids2College (K2C). Beginning in 7th grade and each year following through 12th grade and freshman year in college, students will participate in College and Central, (Project GRAD Akron’s signature college readiness and access program), for 7th through 12th grade students and GRADs Persist for postsecondary students.
Mentoring: Beginning in 8th grade, AIM HIGH Akron GEAR UP students will be begin receiving mentoring services. Over the GEAR UP years students will receive group mentoring, peer mentoring, and in 11th and 12th grades, students will be matched with a community volunteer mentor for traditional mentoring services.
College Visits, Summer Programs, and Cultural Events: Throughout the seven years, students and families will have many opportunities to engage with auxiliary services and programming, including: family college visits, summer programming for students with parent engagement activities both school based and community based offerings, and numerous cultural events hosted by community arts and cultural organizations.
For more information about PGA’s involvement, please contact Project GRAD staff at 330-761-7952 or via email at info@projectgradakron.org.
Bridge to
What is the Program?
Bridge to GRADuation (B2G) is just for 8th grade students preparing to enter Buchtel Community Learning Center high school to ensure students have a successful high school experience and are ready for life after high school graduation. This program provides skills and resources to be ready for college and career success.
How to Join
If you are interested in participating, let your Project GRAD Akron College and Career Advisor, Ms. Autry, know you are interested in joining the program.
April and May: Leadership | Life Skills | Mentoring!
Have fun learning about your personal talents and skills and how to use them to be your best self!
June 6 through 24, 2022 • Learn about becoming an entrepreneur!
You will receive a cash stipend for your participation, create a product or service to compete in a Shark Tank competition, receive funds to start your business, receive a program t-shirt and cinch bag, meet real Entrepreneurs, visit businesses in the Akron area, and make friends! The program is free to participate in and includes breakfast and lunch each day! We will have a Fun Family Night in May for you to sign up for the program!
August 16, 17, and 18, 2022
Get ready for 9th grade success during this transition week!
Once School Starts:
Project GRAD Akron will continue to provide programs and services throughout your high school experience to ensure you graduate ready for college and career!
College &
Career Central
College and Career Central (3C) prepares students for a successful future. This comprehensive classroom program provides students with the information, knowledge, resources, & skills to be ready for life after high school graduation with a plan in place, whether you are ENROLLING in college, ENLISTING in the military, or going directly into the work world, EMPLOYMENT. For seniors, Our GRAD Mentors! Program matches students with a community volunteer mentor. Our mentors provide their mentees with support to work on developing their individual plans for life after high school graduation with the skills to achieve their dreams.
Our 3C program curriculum design is aligned with The Common Core Standards and The American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA’s) national Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K – 12 College and Career Readiness for Every Student. Embedded in the curriculum are Social Emotional Learning and trauma-informed care components which guide our work with all students to promote a culture of safety, empowerment, and healing.
College &
Career Central
College &
Career Central
College and Career Central (3C) prepares students for a successful future. This comprehensive classroom program provides students with the information, knowledge, resources, & skills to be ready for life after high school graduation with a plan in place, whether you are ENROLLING in college, ENLISTING in the military, or going directly into the work world, EMPLOYMENT. For seniors, Our GRAD Mentors! Program matches students with a community volunteer mentor. Our mentors provide their mentees with support to work on developing their individual plans for life after high school graduation with the skills to achieve their dreams.
Our 3C program curriculum design is aligned with The Common Core Standards and The American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA’s) national Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K – 12 College and Career Readiness for Every Student. Embedded in the curriculum are Social Emotional Learning and trauma-informed care components which guide our work with all students to promote a culture of safety, empowerment, and healing.
Programs & Services include:
6th GRADE: Kids2College
Early outreach for 6th grade students to learn about different college and careers options and what students can do in middle school and high school to be prepared for college and career.
7th and 8th GRADE
Our 3C curriculum is aligned with the Academy Prep classes to support students in gaining college and career knowledge, planning, and 21st Century skills.
9th GRADE: Freshman Academy 3C Class
Our 3C curriculum aligned with the Freshman Academy class to support students in gaining college and career knowledge, planning for high school success, and 21st Century skills
11th and 12th GRADES
A credit-bearing college and career readiness class experience, including social-emotional learning, preparing for college, the military, or career after high school graduation.
Traditional and Team mentoring for high school students
Learn about the Project GRAD Akron Scholarship and how to leverage additional scholarship dollars through a comprehensive scholarship database.
GRADs Persist
Offers our college-going students on-going support and resources to meet their needs as they matriculate to a post-secondary institution as well as learn strategies to ensure their college persistence and college graduation.